Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Brits kill five civilians, say Afghan authorities

More death:

British Forces Checking Report On Afghan Civilian Deaths

KABUL, Jan 6 (Reuters) - NATO's British forces say they are checking a report that some civilians were killed during an operation against the Taliban insurgents...

The latest incident happened in Baghni [sic] district [Helmand province] on January 5 when, according to a provincial government source, five members of a family were killed in an operation by British forces.

No further details were given by the official... (link)
Note that there is no Baghni district in Helmand. The district in question is Baghran.

Other reports say the death toll was higher - some 11 civilians killed.

Update: Still other sources report an even higher death toll. The Afghan Islamic Press reported on January 7:
A member of Helmand provincial council in Baghran District, Haji Mohammad Khan Aqa, told Afghan Islamic Press today, 7 January, that the night before last, 5 to 6 January, the foreign forces killed 19 civilians in Baghran District. (via Lexis-Nexis)
It was exactly a month ago that locals reported 10 dead civilians, including six women and two children, in a NATO operation in Helmand.

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